Agm 2007

A huge thank you to all the comitee and organisers.

A great weekend, and so good to see so many new faces as well as the usual great guys and gals.


Yeah was a larger turn out than people expected.

Thanks Brendan for letting me sleep at your place and thanks Wendy for cooking breakfast not that it helped me loose weight :wink:


Good to put a few names to faces at last

Any pics anyone?-my camera died once again.

I came away with a bootfull of stuff which leaves me plenty of work to do over the coming weeks

Roll on JAE

Great pic of Chazzy B available…itsy witsy teeny weeny… pink sheer bikini… :rofl:


Diane as usual went mad with the camera, will post some piccies up when I go to her house this evening, great to meet loads of new members & actual put faces to user names, maybe see most of you again at JAE.


Nice weekend.

Lovely to see so many friendly people again. :smiley:

Look at this tablefull of loafers.

Ok, so who’s is the red one then? :wink:

Worlds best hairdresser… I didn’t know! :shock: Cost me a glass of port and a Pot Noodle. 8)

Cheers again everyone. Dee.

This weekend was a bit reassurance for me to continue being part of this car club,
It’s was a great weekend to mix with everyone i’ve know for the past few years again.
Must admit having the car in bits does cheese me off, but for sure i’ll be on the road again very soon.
Thankyou to everyone involved in the organising of this event again


Malc & Bianca

If it is ok with the committee , we can have a trading stand on the JAE and sell to the passers by. we can all take an hour to man the stand and try to sell, sell, sell. get rid of the old merchandise and bring in the new.
just an idea.

good weekend, nice friendly atmosphere great to put faces to names, looking forward to the next event

cheers dave & ann

great day, great to put some more names to faces of who i didn’t know!! and great to catch up with some friends from previous meets.

here are some pics i took


just to say thanks to the organisers of the AGM,

was the first one i’ve been to and was good to meet new people as well as catch up with those that i already know,

looking forward to the next one :smiley:


If it is ok with the committee , we can have a trading stand on the JAE and sell to the passers by. we can all take an hour to man the stand and try to sell, sell, sell. get rid of the old merchandise and bring in the new.
just an idea.

I think this is a great idea and if it was allowed… i would man it for an hour or so, (while i’m abandoned to Del showing his car) :wink:

Regards Angel

wow whos is this??? I love it.

[quote]wow whos is this??? I love it.


not sure mate, but this is under the lump!!


I would like to thank all who organised this for their efforts. :wink:

I loved the sliced water melon.

Did anything else happen after that?


[quote]wow whos is this??? I love it.


This belongs to Jerry (jerrysc)

Personally i think he needs a name change…MAD MAX Jerry springs to mind… :wink:


Also a big thanks to everyone who organised and turned up to the event, nice to see so many faces that i knew and the ones i didnt!

Hull? :?

Julian :smiley:

Big thank you to the organisers, good weekend as usual apart from the noddles.

CP :wink:

[quote]Big thank you to the organisers, good weekend as usual apart from the noddles.

CP :wink:[/quote]

noddles - :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: