Check your car's security

This was brought about by Rutlandscapes message regarding security fitted to a 3000gt however this isn’t solely fot them…

How many of us know what security is fitted to our 2nd, 3rd etc cars.
When getting quotes wouldn’t it be handy for sure to know what is on there so you are sure you are telling the truth.
Also good to see what security is on other cars…

Check your car on here… (looks like security on 3000gt’s vary depending on year manufactured)

Think you’ve got a CAT1?


Hope this helps :slight_smile:


not sure what you are saying here,
3000gt’s are not on either of the lists , so what do they have then ?


gto’s have nothing insurance approved being an import…

3000gt’s will only have an immobiliser (the C2 stands for 2circuit contact immobiliser) but is only an optional fit and is through the key.

Looks like after '98 a CAT 1 was an optional fit. Best to check how many boxes the 1st owner ticked when they bought it.

So to sum up, by my reckoning 3000gt’s have an immobiliser as standard but it is no longer “insurance approved” as in it has been de-listed and will no longer entitle the owner to discount :frowning: (std fit option on a website fine, ticking CAT2 or CAT1 may invalidate the policy) best to check.


obviously these tables don’t apply if an aftermarket immobilser/alarm is fitted.

Not being funny … but thats about 99% of us.

I couldnt get insurance on my car until I have a CAT1 approved fitter install one (or inspect one if I was claiming one was already fitted to the car).


likewise… post put up to aid people who thought there was security on a 3000gt…
GTO’s different story really :wink:

One good thing about the post, is I now know my Zafira has a Cat II imobiliser :slight_smile:

A lot of us have 2nd, 3rd or even 4th cars other than the GTO/3000GT so there is a use.


Trouble is sshhh! They’re so damn easy to get into Sshh! Mine locked itself whilst running and I was tinkering under the bonnet. Stalled the car pulling plug leads of coil(s), hoped this would unlock the car as it does on some alarm systems. It didn’t so I found another way in. Anyone know how?

Answers on a postcard please to…

would like to know so I can try and prevent it (If poss)

boot? 1/2 a tennis ball? wizardry?

[quote]gto’s have nothing insurance approved being an import…

3000gt’s will only have an immobiliser (the C2 stands for 2circuit contact immobiliser) but is only an optional fit and is through the key.

Looks like after '98 a CAT 1 was an optional fit. Best to check how many boxes the 1st owner ticked when they bought it.

So to sum up, by my reckoning 3000gt’s have an immobiliser as standard but it is no longer “insurance approved” as in it has been de-listed and will no longer entitle the owner to discount :frowning: (std fit option on a website fine, ticking CAT2 or CAT1 may invalidate the policy) best to check.


All UK cars manufactured after 1996/97 were required by law to have standard fit cat 2 immobilisers fitted by the manufacturer’s, Your second point regarding it being de-listed so is no longer insurance approved is theoretically wrong, the fact it was Cat 2 when it was fitted, means it will always be Cat 2, the same goes for Cat 1 alarms now de-listed & will not invalidate your policy. I have had this argument so many times with Insurance brokers on behalf of customers who`s alarms I have checked for insurance purposes & certified as Cat 1, The fact is, once Cat 1 always Cat 1 de-listed or not :smiley:



This is very interesting, yet confusing! My import GTO TT was fitted with a Gemel Serpi Star GR99T alarm/immobiliser. The vendor told me that it was an insurance approved Cat 2 alarm. My first insurance broker, Liverpool Victoria, accepted this, but I was told by Adrian Flux, my next insurers (yes, I know, I’m no longer with 'em) that it wasn’t. I had a Viper 106V Cat 2 piggybacked onto the Gemel. I now have so many keys and widgets to get the car to start I often forget how to do it! Are you telling me that the original Gemel fitted to my 1991 import is, in fact, technically a perfectly good Cat 2 insurance approved alarm?
:? :? :?

Yes the Gemel GR99 is and has always been an insurance approved Cat 1 alarm, because people like Adrian Flux cannot find it on their list of approved alarms ( been de-listed ) it`s easier to tell customers to get a new one, as long as your GR99 is working correctly, then yes an insurance company should accept it. :smiley:


Well bugger me! I always wondered how the previuos 2 owners got away with it. I even thought the previous owner was telling me porkies! So I’ve shelled out £300 on a Viper Cat 2 for no reason! :evil: :evil: :evil:
Yes, the Gemel works fine…Thank you for that information.

How I understand it. De-listed systems are only approved if they were fitted when they were listed and approved. e.g. If you had a Cobra xyz fitted in 1993 and it was approved at the time, no problem, however if it was de-listed in 1994 and you had it fitted in 1995 it would not surfice.
Hope this helps.


OK. So the Gemel Serpi Star was fitted in 1999 when the car was imported. When was it delisted? How do I find out?

Page 50 Patrick

Hope this helps


So, does this mean that my Gemel IS an insurance approved Cat 1 alarm?

/**Gemel GR99 T Universal TC2 – 1152/0800 December 2006. **

Does ‘December 2006’ mean that’s when it was delisted?

Still a bit confused… sorry :oops: :oops:
Thanks for your help, guys.
By the way, playford, what is you first name? I feel we know each other well enough by now to be on first name terms!

The date is the date it was de-listed so yes it is a thatched approved, however the TC2 means it is a cat 2 system.
TC2 or Cat 2 (category) systems are immobilisers.
TC1 or Cat 1 (category) systems are alarms and immobilisers.

P.S. Intermediaries (brokers) may well ask for the installation certificate to show it was approved when fitted. If you haven’t got it many of the alarm manufacturers have a database linked to the reg number so can send you a copy for a couple of quid.

You can piggy back onto some Cat 2 immobilisers to make them into Cat 1. Basically you are adding the alarm part to an immobilser.

Did sign my last post Kevin :lol:

Even more confused now as my Gemel definitely had an alarm as well as an immobiliser. :?
Oh, well. Too late now to worry. I can, at least, show that I now have TWO alarm/immobiliser systems piggybacked!!!
Thanks Kevin.

My fault Patrick just looked at the list in more detail, was looking at the wrong model for you. Gemel you have is a Cat 1 immobiliser. The TC code on the table is a thatcham code.
Hope that’s cleared up the confusion mate.
