HELP! New website - testing on Mobiles & Tablets

Hi Everybody!

We need your help to test the new website on mobiles and tablets.

There are a couple of users who are having issues - which makes me sad :cry:

So please pull out your phones and try and load up and use new forum - start at this page:

Please post here if something doesn’t work
The information I will need if you have it:

  • Mobile / Tablet make and model
  • Browser being used (is it something extra you have installed?)
  • Have you updated your device recently?
  • What OS version is it running? (e.g. iOS 5.1.1, Android 4.1.x)
  • What were you using as your internet connection (3G, WiFi, Cheese?)


  • What was the problem?
  • What steps did you take to create the problem?
  • What were you expecting?
  • What actually happened?

##Known Issues

Thank you!

Works Iphone 4S latest software 7.1.2 11d257

Works ipad mini Lastest software 7.1.2 11d257


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I lied now version 8.0 on both update 1.3Gb :wink:


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Works perfect on Samsung mini s4, also works on nokia 620.


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###Known Issue: Unable to select category when creating new topic

ASUS PadFone New Infinity A86
Android 4.2.2
Standard Browser

GTOUK logo not taking me back to the forum home, also as the URL never changes if I press the back key at any point it leaves the site completely.

@Steven_Smith It’s it loading the “dark” version of the site or the “white” version?

White, wish it was dark uses less power and doesn’t hurt my eyes.

Can you confirm these are three separate issues? (your sentence is hard to read)

  1. GTOUK logo taking me back to forum home.
  2. URL never changes
  3. Back button - doesn’t work, when pressed leaves site.

Well two separate issues;

GTOUK doesn’t take me to the forum main page, leaving me stick in topics unless I reload completely.

URL doesn’t change so when the back button is pressed you leave the website, if the URL changed the browser would go back one URL and it would be fine.

EDIT: Bit of investigation and I think the reason the logo link doesn’t work is also due to URL remaining the same. Browser doesn’t seem to load links to the URL you are already on.

Your device was supposed to have an update to Android 4.4 KitKat back in the Q2 of 2014:

Note down the current firmware / software hardware versions…
… and try for an update in the settings.

Failing that checkout the firmware updates here:

I was aware of that, however it isn’t the end of Q2 yet and the update hasn’t been released.

Q2 ended in June

Depends if your looking at fiscal years which is what companies tend to run by, or calendar years. Q2 ends this month in a fiscal year, time to get your BRF2 reports ready.


For Feedback Dean as I wouldn’t use my phone for new topics anyway :smile:


Samsung S4.

Site loads fine, but do have the Selecting Category problem for New Topic. Just flashes for a second and goes off, i.e. can’t select a catergory.

Android 4.4.2
Don’t know any more details, Steve will if you need them I’ll ask him.


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@Steven_Smith Could please you try installing the latest version of Google Chrome Browser from the Play Store and report back on your issues.


Hi Dean,

I actually hate Chrome, I’ve tried it before and it’s just not my cup of tea, I use Firefox normally but as I knew there were issues there I was using the standard Android browser. I’ll just have to live with reloading the page each time I need to return from a thread/topic.

I am also aware Android is change to Chrome as a default but I will disable it and use Firefox.


Hi @Steven_Smith,

Google made the move to separate their browser away from the Android operating system due to manufactures not maintaining phone / tablet manufactures not maintaining their devices and falling so far behind. More functionality is being moved into Apps from Google all the time, hence by the Google Play updates happen so often.

Unfortunately the Mozilla / Firefox Android team don’t seem to quite keep on top their bugs as quickly as Google do. Hopefully this will change … but for now …

The web moves at quite a pace, at this point in time I can only recommend Chrome as an Android browser.
