Japfest 2 7 July 2013

[quote]I’ll take it from you Marty
I don’t need the stand pass though.

I’ll PayPal you £10 for it[/quote]

No problem.
I’ll let you know when I receive payment, and we can sort it out.

[quote]I’ll take it from you Marty
I don’t need the stand pass though.

I’ll PayPal you £10 for it[/quote]

Okay, payment received.
I have pm’d Simon.


OK mate thanks


The tickets/stand passes will be sent to me a week before the event and I will distrubute them accordingly.

Those who are staying at the Holiday Inn the night before I will keep hold of them and give you the tickets/stand passes then.

Those who haven’t sent there address to Simon yet, please pm me instead of Simon as he will be on holiday. Thanks

We be at the hotel so keep hold of ours :smiley:

Be rude not to stay and have a drink and a catch up :bandance:

[quote]We be at the hotel so keep hold of ours :smiley:

Be rude not to stay and have a drink and a catch up :bandance:[/quote]

Certainly would…wouldn’t want to tear them up :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do we have to turn up by a certain time to get on the stand, like at Japfest?
Or can we turn up any time so long as we have the stand pass?

[quote]Do we have to turn up by a certain time to get on the stand, like at Japfest?
Or can we turn up any time so long as we have the stand pass?[/quote]

Hi julian,

Have e-mailed Beccy who is dealing with tickets etc and asked if there is a time have to be on stand by, as soon as get reply will post up


[quote]Do we have to turn up by a certain time to get on the stand, like at Japfest?
Or can we turn up any time so long as we have the stand pass?[/quote]

Hi julian,

Have e-mailed Beccy who is dealing with tickets etc and asked if there is a time have to be on stand by, as soon as get reply will post up[/quote]

Have had an answer back from Beccy, the gates open at 6-30am…would be good to have all the cars on the stand by 1030 latest…

wow that’s early. Might be worth staying in hotel the night before…whats everyone else doing?

There are a couple of us staying at the holiday inn express the night before and the sunday night as well

Might stay in the hotel on the Sunday after Japfest…what time does it usually end?

About 5ish…

Leaving our house about 4am neighbours are gonna love us :lol:


Leaving our house about 4am neighbours are gonna love us :lol:[/quote]

Could always do what some of us are doing and stay come up Sat afternoon/evening and stay at Holiday Inn Express, then Sunday travel back after show.

How much is the hotel costing you for the 2 nights?

£79 for 2 nights…don’t know how many are left…here’s the link

hi,i dont need the stand pass,as i have been accepted for power and style awardsi only recieved confirmation today,i hope it is not to late to give it to some one else thanks for saveing one for me i hope to see you guys there.if you have sent it out to me i will bring it with so someone else can use it.simon :oops: :wink:

No your ok haven’t received them yet, but thanks for letting us know appreciated…will see you there

Congrats on the power & style awards Simon

see you there
