Japfest 2009

Having just got the nod from Simon I realize I don’t know when everyone’s going & leaving! :?

Is it the usual tents, cans ‘o’ beer & bbq’s? :stuck_out_tongue:

Can we go up Saturday evening? If so, when & is anybody else up for it?


I would read the first post carefully , you may be late :lol: :shock:

i will be there will there be some membership forms i can sign there to join folks

Probably not :wink:

Best bet is to sign up here; http://www.gtouk.org.uk/signup.html

Rich :slight_smile:

maz I can print some and bring them if your having trouble printing.


[quote]Having just got the nod from Simon I realize I don’t know when everyone’s going & leaving! :?

Is it the usual tents, cans ‘o’ beer & bbq’s? :stuck_out_tongue:

Can we go up Saturday evening? If so, when & is anybody else up for it?


This is JapFest a single day event, no camping, not JAE which is in September this year!



maz I can print some and bring them if your having trouble printing.


I have some spare from the AGM that I’ll bring along.

Rich :slight_smile:


maz I can print some and bring them if your having trouble printing.


thank you and its been sorted so as long as someone brings a form for me to sign would be very grateful thanks

Very late but if anyone has a spare stand ticket please let us know. :smiley:

**Any more tickets… need 2 please?

Stand would be good, but prob too late :?


Oh B*****s
Guess i’ll have to pay full £18 and park with The rubbish outside!



Me gutted too but as theres no spaces left for the club stand ill give this one a miss as dont want some plonker scratching me new paint job outside the club stand :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I’m also going to try and get to this… mini meet in the car park then :lol: :lol: :lol:

yeah sod it as i can’t get on the stand i’ll blow it out to now.

Anybody know where we’ll be again this year? Last 2 years have been excellent placements, would really like to be in the same area again if possible

I have recieved the tickets today and will send them out on friday

I DO NOT HAVE any spare stand tickets, so please do not Pm me

When I book the stand I have to guess how many cars we will have and order and pay at that time.

If you want to be on the stand you need to purchase tickets when the post comes up next year

I can not create passes or space once these are sold out


Ticket arrived this morning

Cheers Si 8)

Craig :slight_smile:

[quote]I have recieved the tickets today and will send them out on friday

I DO NOT HAVE any spare stand tickets, so please do not Pm me

When I book the stand I have to guess how many cars we will have and order and pay at that time.

If you want to be on the stand you need to purchase tickets when the post comes up next year

I can not create passes or space once these are sold out


Simon it looks like you need to get alot more next time as there seems to be lots of others that would of gone if they could of parked with the club :oops:

The post was done in November , and the tickets sold in March, people need to get off the fence and pay for the tickets when they are avalibale

If you dont purcahse a ticket you can not attend

The club can not purchase tickets on the off chance that someone may want to attend, and then have spare tickets it can not sell



The post was done in November , and the tickets sold in March, people need to get off the fence and pay for the tickets when they are avalibale

If you dont purcahse a ticket you can not attend

The club can not purchase tickets on the off chance that someone may want to attend, and then have spare tickets it can not sell


Here, here - seems to me there are too many freeloaders/can’t be arsed to do it myself/it’s all somebody else’s fault/where can I buy remoulds?/why are these cars so expensive to run?/whingers, etc. on here at the moment.
There’s no such thing as a free lunch guys…but, sadly, our nanny state seems to have produced a generation that needs it’s nose and bottom wiped for it constantly and can’t be arsed to get up off their arses to do things for themselves… :evil:
The 7 'P’s spring to mind: Proper Planning and Preparation Prevent ■■■■ Poor Performance :lol: