Japfest 2009


The post was done in November , and the tickets sold in March, people need to get off the fence and pay for the tickets when they are avalibale

If you dont purcahse a ticket you can not attend

The club can not purchase tickets on the off chance that someone may want to attend, and then have spare tickets it can not sell


Not being funny, but this is probably the best turn out for Japfest that I have seen since I have been a member on here.

If the tickets sold earlier, then it would be no problem to purchase more. It is more usual that all the tickets are not sold and Simon is stuck with them. So who is willing to hold up their hand and pay for them?

Thank you to Simon for thanklesley sorting out another great meet at Castle Coombe this year! :wink:

Crying out loud. November until May… 7 months and people are just buying tickets (me included) That’s loads of time. I suggest people book up the Xmas do before December finally comes around.


I can’t make this, so my GTO’s slot is available, as is my ticket for the event.

Please Pm me if interested.

Many Thanks


ps. My car’s still in bits, and will be working on it sat. :wink:

[quote]I can’t make this, so my GTO’s slot is available, as is my ticket for the event.

Please Pm me if interested.

Many Thanks


ps. My car’s still in bits, and will be working on it sat. [/quote]


The post was done in November , and the tickets sold in March, people need to get off the fence and pay for the tickets when they are avalibale

If you dont purcahse a ticket you can not attend

The club can not purchase tickets on the off chance that someone may want to attend, and then have spare tickets it can not sell


Blimey mate I didnt notice that was how long the tickets had been up for grabs :shock:

I fully understand mate o well next year :roll:

tickets arrived sat morning cheers simon .

Having seen how bad the organisation from the guys at Japfest is its amazing we have got this far. They only had the tickets printed the begining of last week.

As the guys at Japfest even now cant tell us how big our area is or even where it is in the event we have not been able to sort out things like gazebo’s etc. No point taking them along if we have no room etc. I will bring mine along just in case we have loads of space but credit must go to Simon for sorting this one out.

I was volunteered to help organise this but have been tied up with work and other commitments which give me about 10 minutes each week spare so simon has sorted this one out himself. So certainly on my behalf, thanks Simon.

I got my tickets today :smiley: Thanks for sorting this one out Simon :wink:

Rich :slight_smile:

Might see some of you there. Not sure if i’ll be going in mine coz its still off the road. But if I do I will be on the colt stand :lol:

Tickets arrived this morning. Thanks very much Simon :smiley:


Hi everyone,

I’m new to the owners club and looking for a ticket to JapFest which will allow me to park with the owners club - has anybody got one spare that they don’t need and are willing to sell?



Looks like we’ll be roughly where we were last year. Not a bad spot if I recall…


Looks like I’ll be a bit late getting to this tomorrow. Got to wait for a plumber to turn up (first one has not turned up two times already !!!) to sort out the kitchen and water mains else Claire will kill me if I leave the house with no water again (long story). Hope to be there around lunch time. Going fishing at stupid o’clock in the morning for a couple hours first so wont waste all of the time :smiley:

Enjoyed our day. Shame the weather didn’t really know what it was doing. Got a few piccies, not many and not very good, but I was too busy chopsing.

Never seen so many people at this event, nor indeed so many GTOs on the GTOUK stand. Well done to everyone that turned up.


fantastic day , really enjoyed it , great to see so many friends again . for those who never make it to japfest you need to get yer butts into gear and book tickets for it early next year. Thanks to simon and helpers for organising yet another great event … 8) 8)

Great day and a brilliant turn out 8)

well done guys , nice to meet the old faces again and some new ones this year .

Somehow ive got that sunburn feeling on my bonce again , how i miss having hair :lol: :lol: :lol:

Craig :slight_smile:

I think blue was the colour this year. Only one red GT in attendance. :shock:

Lels nephew James that tagged along with me thought it was the mutts nuts. Black last year for him, but he deffo wants a red one now. He is just so damned un-educated. Never mind. I got a year or two to work on him. :wink:


Blue cars are just so common Dee :lol:

Looks like you lot had a great time, just pitty about the weather :roll:

HHHHHHHMMMMMMMM red is the rare colour now :lol: :lol:
Who would want a dirty silver one ? :twisted:
A blue one :twisted:
a black one :lol: :lol: :lol:
mmmmmmmmmm red is luvvvvverly ,suppose i got a soft spot for orange and electric blue aswell but hey never mind :oops:
Anyway , nice one boys n girls , great turn out

Ditto -good day out and the added luxury of only a 20 minute drive home. Thanks to Simon from me too.

J :lol:

PS is anyone else watching Euorvision :wink:

LOL after the 30 mins of queing up to get out of the place… Nightmare. Thanks to Allan PC for letting me out infront of him. Sure we would have still been sat there if he hadn’t waved me out. :shock:

Think nephew was a bit shocked today as it was the first time he’d met GTOMAS… Poor bugger he’s only 28 (James, not Mark, s’posed you guessed that one. :wink: )

Also I never knew how much stuff you could actually chuck into the back of a GTO until I saw the back of Simons car. (+1 can of oil wrapped in a cardboard box) Well done that man.

Can’t believe that Tania and Dave contributed £60.00 to GLOSPOL for the privelage of driving home on “Dodgey Numberplates” … Tut Tut bringing GTOUK into disrepute, shame on you both You should have followed Allan home, he’d have sorted it!! :shock:

GTnewbie. Read lots of your posts. Nice car. Did I speak to you? Still don’t know you when I think I should. Maybe, as Paul suggested, we should all wear badges… :roll: I could wear a Rose, or a Daffodil… That’d be good… I like Roses. :smiley:

Dee. :wink: