Hi All

As you can see by the flyer below we are holding our 3rd annual charity event this year at Brands Hatch.

We are trying to create a huge and exotic car meet with the intention of filling the area behind the grands stands and the top of paddock hill with a sea of automotive excellence.

And also raising as much money for the charities as possible.

If anything like the last 2 years it will be a really great evening and a lot of fun…

Please all note it in your diaries as it would be great to have a strong GTO presence…

Many Thanks in advance

Warren and Terri
Kai Performance

Would have loved to come, however i will stuill be on my way home from my Scotland tour…

best of luck and hope you recieve the response you deserve…Im sure there are many a GTO owner with a soft spot for a good charity event :wink: :wink:

ill be thier :slight_smile:

You’ll be their what ? Bitch ? Whipping boy ? Slave for the day ? :wink:
Or will you just be there ? :lol:

Mark. :slight_smile:

PMSL… Generally he is Bitch but on a friday he is whipping boy LOL

Will def try to make it, just need to get out of working that sat.


Sounds like fun, if i’m not working i’ll be there as well.

Log into our forum at www.kaiperformance.co.uk

Go on have a look…it’s all for a very good cause.

picking on the n,a guy,s again r we might have to come to that one just to put a woopin on ya then we will see who,s the bitch :lol:

yer to right… :slight_smile:

im still going to this even if they have to take me in a trolly bed

Oi you lot, calm down… calm down (in liverpudlian)

Nobody can show anybody anything because the track is shut.

I’m sure Alex and I will try and make this in our respective moneypits.

ok guys,

i have added my own little twist to this…


:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well Elton is doing his Amazing bit for the charity but just wanted to Bump this to the top again as it is only a few days away.

If the rain holds off, then this could be a really brilliant evening.

We have been threatened with a VEYRON and a ZONDA turning up as well as Jodie Marsh and some of the magazines but you never know who will show or not…

What time does it start ?

And how many folks from here are going now, maybe we can park up together somewhere ?

Sorry Dawn & I can’t get time off work for your event :cry:

Have A Fantastic day.


[quote]What time does it start ?

And how many folks from here are going now, maybe we can park up together somewhere ?[/quote]

Oh, didn’t see the starting time on the flyer. “from 6 PM”

Is there gonna be a “normal” car park and a display/show park on the site ?

Would be nice to get a couple of GTO’s next to each other.

yer theirs 2 car parks :slight_smile: and im in charge of witch 1’s i think are show cars or not :slight_smile:

so vayron , zonda, f430’s, mine are show
all others are normal :slight_smile:

also i will charge for valay parking :slight_smile: (keys pls)


wot time are u planning on getting there?

could meet somewhere on the way as i’ll be coming through essex.



wot time are u planning on getting there?

could meet somewhere on the way as i’ll be coming through essex.


Sorry for late reply, been out all day.

Thinking of leaving here (canvey) around 6 is so should be at brands between 6:30 and 6:45.

Where you’re leaving from as meeting up (and parking up together) sounds good matey.


Edit: removed my mobile number