Le Mans 2009.....12-14th June 2009

Just trying to gauge any interest in a trip to Le Mans for the 24hr race in 2009.

It’s on the weekend of the 12-14th June 2009

We went as a club in 2003 and it was an experience :wink:

There are still several members here who went in 2003.

I am willing to organise the trip, unless someone else would rather do it/really wants to :lol:

What I am looking for at the moment is, is anyone interested?

I will work out some ball park figures over the next week or 2 and post them up.

I plan on something similar to last time…

Run down to the ferry port from various parts of the country, collecting GTO’s on the way(very early Friday).

Ferry crossing France.

Run down to Le Mans with an expected arrival mid/late afternoon friday.

A whole days break from driving sat.

Leave Le Mans after the race sun, run back to the ferry port(maybe we could stop and get the cars washed again? :lol:

It’s abou 800-1000 miles depending on where you start from.
Calais to Le Mans is approx 265miles

The cost based on 2008 prices should be something like £200 per person(based on 2 per car)+Fuel/tolls
This would include the ferry, camping and admission.

Prices for 2009 are not yet published mind…

Anyone Interested?


Sounds interesting Marty, isn’t there events on the whole week leading up to it as well, in particular some form of classic race as well if I remember correctly. Wouldn’t mind seeing that sort of thing as well, I assume the camp site is open earlier than just the race weekend?


Please let me know more info as and when you get it.
Trip to Le Mans and maybe a Euro GTO meet?
I’m in

[quote]maybe a Euro GTO meet?

Now there’s an idea, 2 birds 1 stone an all that, certainly a big even for various clubs to meet up on.

I would be interested in this :smiley:


Seems to be a bit of interest.

This is just an idea for numbers to see if there is sufficient interest to go ahead with this.

Please add your name to the list below

  1. Marty+passenger
  2. hukent + 1


You get the idea.


I’m up for it again, 2003 was a great drive. Only if we can again be escorted by the local cops :oops: :lol: :x

Cobus + 1

Michael + 1

Rich +1

This is just an idea for numbers to see if there is sufficient interest to go ahead with this.

Please add your name to the list below

  1. Marty/Simon
  2. hukent + 1
  3. Cobus + 1
  4. Michael + 1
  5. Rich + 1


[quote]Sounds interesting Marty, isn’t there events on the whole week leading up to it as well, in particular some form of classic race as well if I remember correctly. Wouldn’t mind seeing that sort of thing as well, I assume the camp site is open earlier than just the race weekend?


There was a classic car race during the saturday morning in 2003…

I’m not sure what is on during the week running up to the event.

One thing for sure…a large part of the track is public roads up until about 10-11pm on the Friday night, so any prior events would be on the smaller circuit.

I think heading there Friday is probably the best idea really, some clubs do head over earlier, but I imagine by Sunday, you would be bored!

Plus, it means extra time off work…heading over friday means you can manage with 1 days holiday…

Thoughts anyone?


Please let me know more info as and when you get it.
Trip to Le Mans and maybe a Euro GTO meet?
I’m in


I’m not sure I would be the one to arrange this also. If anyone else wanted to sort this bit out, they are welcome too :wink:
Good idea though.

This is just an idea for numbers to see if there is sufficient interest to go ahead with this.

Please add your name to the list below

  1. Marty/Simon
  2. hukent + 1
  3. Cobus + 1
  4. Michael + 1
  5. Rich + 1
  6. Clint +1


Still sorting this out…waiting on 2009 prices.

Anyone else up for this?


Is a NA allowed to go!!! If so me + 1 PeterC

We had two N/A’s go down last time, Marty drove one of them.

Mark. :slight_smile:

Of course N/A’s are welcome…as Mark said, we had 2 last time, one was my Auto :wink:

Please add your name to the list below

  1. Marty/Simon
  2. hukent + 1
  3. Cobus + 1
  4. Michael + 1
  5. Rich + 1
  6. Clint +1
  7. PeterC +1


Wot about camping,would we be pre booking tent pitch’s?
This is on my “things to do before i die list” so i could be interested if i can talk the GF into going.

Put me down for sure last time was a blast 16 cars in convoy if l recall


[quote]Wot about camping,would we be pre booking tent pitch’s?
This is on my “things to do before i die list” so i could be interested if i can talk the GF into going.[/quote]

Last time we were on Houx Annex and had an allocated area for us.
More of a large space than ‘pitches’

Not 100% sure if we will be there again, depends on price…closer to the grandstand is more expensive., but we will definately go for one that has allocated parking/camping.

Still no details on prices yet…hoping for details in Sept.