Membership fees and rubber cheques!

I know that times are hard and the value of our beloved chosen form of transport passion has decreased dramatically.
It has even made them affordable to buy and sort of run on a giro, as long as the dear old motor doesn’t need new tyres and brakes etc, of course.
So why do we still recieve bouncing cheques to cover the membership fees ?
No doubt i will get an ear bashing for such an outrageous post and i will undoubtedly have offended someone’s human rights somewhere. Never mind eh !
I do also understand that genuine mistakes can happen so i’m not going to be too harsh here.
But please, if you don’t have enough money in the bank but membership is important to you, send a postal order or your wifes/husbands/partners/civil partnership [just to prove i’m not really bad] wedding ring or something of equal value, sorry but bottle tops from alcopops are not a valid currency in the real world.
It costs us as a club, for every returned cheque. Then of course the fee will increase and reflect the wasted time/cost to the [potential] club member if he/she does re-register.
Your club treasurer has to deal with this and those who know him from the ‘old days’ will recognise him below.

Anyway, please just check that your cheque is good when it’s checked or pay by postal order.
As for the argument of paying by paypal, Elmer decrees that his preferred method of acceptance is via a cheque and until someone else takes over as club treasurer, he has my full support and that of the committee.

Regards, Mark. :smiley:

Here’s a crazy idea. Why not solve the problem by dragging your arses out of the stone ages and using instant electronic payments instead of notoriously bouncy cheques that you then don’t cash for up to 6 weeks after they’ve been sent in.

If someone tries to pay online and they don’t have the cash, they can’t make the payment - as the meerkat says, “simples”.


Do you still send membership numbers by telegram? :lol:

How much is it for me to rejoin this year? £20, £30 or £40? :shock:

Steve membership renewal is £20 for this year, it’s going up £10 from next year for existing members :wink:
New members are £40 now, starting from the day after the AGM.

at that price best sticking to surfing barryboys eh steve…see ya there :smiley: :smiley:

ive paid my 20 quid this year but dunno if ill be renewing next year :? i get my £20 worth from the site and help out when i can but £30 i think is just a bit much for me im afraid :frowning:
we’ll see how the cash flow goes during the year and if my work starts to pick up again.

[quote]Here’s a crazy idea. Why not solve the problem by dragging your arses out of the stone ages and using instant electronic payments instead of notoriously bouncy cheques that you then don’t cash for up to 6 weeks after they’ve been sent in.

If someone tries to pay online and they don’t have the cash, they can’t make the payment - as the meerkat says, “simples”.


Do you still send membership numbers by telegram? :lol:

How much is it for me to rejoin this year? £20, £30 or £40? :shock:[/quote]

i wish this was bought up in the agenda for AGM.

Steve Lawtey & Miller…

Since you are both EX-members, and Steve at least has expressed how he feels about the club and how it is run, I fail to see why you are still posting here. You both moved on, and as such your opinions are simply that, and largely irrelevant as I doubt either of you will re-join. Some people who have moved on would likely not even have their membership approved if they DID re-apply.

Move on guys - it’s nothing to do with you anymore.

GTOBAZ & Scoob - this is tied up with the webhost move that we discussed at the AGM, and the vote for an increase in club membership was pretty much unanimous… in fact, a few argued for it to be higher. I’m told that this still makes us one of the cheaper paid-for membership clubs. To be honest, most people will easily get the £30 back in advice, discounts, deals and if not there then at least one club subsidised event will easily save that in food and drink, so it’s a pretty good deal we think - as did those present at the AGM. Apologies for not bringing it up before the AGM, but as always, these things are subject to change and it might not have been discussed at all. The AGM is always throwing up things we don’t expect! :slight_smile:

i agree it is a good thing and not too much of an increase,but i feel the owners up here and in ireland miss out on alot of the organised events because there too far down the country and would cost alot for us to get to(id love to get to a few of the gtouk events) but out of my budget :frowning:
the info ive had off the site has been invaluable and the members ive met and spoke to over the phone have bent over backwards to help me out in moments of need,which makes this the great club it is 8)

Scoob, just as an idea, why don’t you organise an event up there in Scotland? from what I have read in your posts in the past you enjoy going to shows/events ect. I’m sure if you find an event that the Scottish club members could attend the club would be behind you and may even help out with funding (if you ask nicely :wink: )

We’d certainly do what we could. :slight_smile:

weve already had meets up here before and got about 5 cars max. theres lots of gtos flying about that arent members on here. im also involved in a clanjapan up here aswell as you might already know so we tend to get a few gtos going to these events for shows etc up here with the rest of the jap owners in the club. me ,ewan ,john , andy ,mark , john(darkwing) were the ones that turned up at most mini meets for a run out but thats about it. maybee it would be better one of the other guys trying to organise an event up here but i doubt it as they all seem quite busy.only me and ewan and john (gto tt scotland) appear at the meets ,events. its a thing we could look into but ive had more luck getting the gto guys to come to the clanjapan shows as theres only a handful of us up here that are up for it. seems you guys down south have more members around for large meets and jap events like jae,japfest etc.
the furthest ill be this year is next month at the rising sun car show and all the members that have answered the post for it are more than welcome to join the stand and advertise gtouk if they want :wink:

[quote]Steve Lawtey & Miller…

Since you are both EX-members, and Steve at least has expressed how he feels about the club and how it is run, I fail to see why you are still posting here. You both moved on, and as such your opinions are simply that, and largely irrelevant as I doubt either of you will re-join. Some people who have moved on would likely not even have their membership approved if they DID re-apply.

Move on guys - it’s nothing to do with you anymore.


Sorry Ian I don’t really get this. Steve is asking how much to join/rejoin. I guess cause his membership has expired and it is not clear.

I for one would encourage Steve and others to return - his posting output is absolutely prolific. His posts are extremely technical, logical and informative. He has spent an almost illogical (!) amount of time posting damn useful stuff - he gains nought from this.

Just my tuppence.


[quote]Steve Lawtey & Miller…

Since you are both EX-members, and Steve at least has expressed how he feels about the club and how it is run, I fail to see why you are still posting here. You both moved on, and as such your opinions are simply that, and largely irrelevant as I doubt either of you will re-join. Some people who have moved on would likely not even have their membership approved if they DID re-apply.

Move on guys - it’s nothing to do with you anymore.

So the fact that i occasionally browse back here from time to time every time i think ‘yeah i miss the GTO’ ‘maybe its time to get another one’ ‘lets see whats available to buy’ doesnt matter an iota on any interest i may still have had in the club

I come to renew membership and now you tell me for some unknow reason I ‘might not even have full membership approved’

Hmmm let me figure that one out :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

No, that’s not what I said. At no point did I mention you in that statement. Although, like most things, people seem to make sweeping generalisations here. I was simply pointing out that on many occasions, people have stuck their heads back in to the forums to simply “have a go” at how it is run. Those are the people I was referring to.

Thanks James, that’s precisely why I was asking. I guess it’s moot though if my cheque would be returned with a big fat F-off attached!


Thanks James, that’s precisely why I was asking. I guess it’s moot though if my cheque would be returned with a big fat F-off attached![/quote]

Only if it bounces :lol:
Only kidding…as far as I am concerned, I sincerely hope you rejoin. :wink:

[quote]Steve Lawtey & Miller…

Since you are both EX-members, and Steve at least has expressed how he feels about the club and how it is run, I fail to see why you are still posting here. You both moved on, and as such your opinions are simply that, and largely irrelevant as I doubt either of you will re-join. Some people who have moved on would likely not even have their membership approved if they DID re-apply.

Move on guys - it’s nothing to do with you anymore.

GTOBAZ & Scoob - this is tied up with the webhost move that we discussed at the AGM, and the vote for an increase in club membership was pretty much unanimous… in fact, a few argued for it to be higher. I’m told that this still makes us one of the cheaper paid-for membership clubs. To be honest, most people will easily get the £30 back in advice, discounts, deals and if not there then at least one club subsidised event will easily save that in food and drink, so it’s a pretty good deal we think - as did those present at the AGM. Apologies for not bringing it up before the AGM, but as always, these things are subject to change and it might not have been discussed at all. The AGM is always throwing up things we don’t expect! :)[/quote]

Ian, my issue was with the paypal not the fees for this club, as its a non-profit club which does help in meets and also offered to chip in on Eurospecs dyno day i have no problem paying extra.

i should have made it clear that i was reffering to the paypal, theres members here whos saved me hundreds of pounds and ive mentioned that before in my thank you post, so for me to pay an extra 10 pounds for an whole year isnt a problem.

Steve - If thats the case, then I apologize - however, that certainly isn’t the way it read, as I’m sure you know.

You also know exactly why we don’t take Paypal, as you’ve been involved in discussions about this in the Committee sections previously. As long as Simon does the accounts, and it isn’t convenient for him, then we stand by that decision. I don’t see anyone volunteering to take over the role of treasurer, and it’s up every year along with all the others. If someone takes on that role at some point, and is happy to do all the work involved in sorting out Paypal payments, along with all the times that no membership number is mentioned, and trying to match them all up with the delays etc, then fine - we’ll do it. Until then, we don’t. As you put it - “simples”…

The AGM minutes were posted, as were the new fees, so it’s not hard to see how much it is now, but like I said - I’m not the only one who saw your post as a dig and/or antagonsitic one.

while we are on the subject of money,
can someone tell me why the prices for our food tickets etc are so high
for the jae weekend, considering there are so many members that pay
membership,and yet so many of them dont attend this meet,surely there is a few extra quid in the pot,
the reason i cant afford to come to the jae has just got well out of my reach now,
it cost £100 on the iow ferry,petrol,entrance fee,club food bills now,
i know its only once a year but,why the extra costs??
ime not known as a trouble maker on this site,this is my first moan in 5 years as a member,
i would like to add though i am quite happy to stay with this club,even if the japfest is the only meet i could ever afford to go to,

Russ breakfast for the saturday and sunday is now included in the price if you want it , which is a good deal considering the price of some of the crap the stalls were offering at last years jae

I think its value for money but im only paying for myself ,

Craig :slight_smile: