
So GTO UK hasn’t been high on my priority list of late, but I did send a cheque off for 20 squid a few days ago …How long before somebody wanders by the PO box so you can restore my membership ??? after all I think this is the first time it has slipped my mind! … I’m not exactly a new member either.

Glad the gas/ electric board dont pull the plug so fast or i would have no internet either :lol: its not the 1st yet an my plug is pulled already :shock:

The post office Box if fowarded to my home address daily

I have not seen one yet


[quote]The post office Box if fowarded to my home address daily

I have not seen one yet


It was sent first class …good old Royal mail

Actually, membership runs from April to April, which is why we send out the renewals in March… so we already give a month’s grace until the 1st May… not too shoddy really I think?


[quote]Actually, membership runs from April to April, which is why we send out the renewals in March… so we already give a month’s grace until the 1st May… not too shoddy really I think?


It’s still April !! I just checked … do I get an inconvenience rebate??

I’m in the somewhat awkward position of-

do not use chequebooks (outmoded, outdated)
moving home (very soon)
out of the country 75% of the year
Have no membership renewal form awaiting me.
Mitsubishi are doing their level best to torch the car (new battery meets bonnet)



[quote]Actually, membership runs from April to April, which is why we send out the renewals in March… so we already give a month’s grace until the 1st May… not too shoddy really I think?


It’s still April !! I just checked … do I get an inconvenience rebate??[/quote]

It’s May tomorrow. We have to switch over some time, and Mark does enough work already without sitting waiting for the stroke of midnight… :?

On that note, can we charge an adminfee for late payments, bounced payments, working all hours and then working for the club etc etc etc… :wink:


It’s still April !! I just checked … do I get an inconvenience rebate??

It’s May tomorrow. We have to switch over some time, and Mark does enough work already without sitting waiting for the stroke of midnight… :?

On that note, can we charge an adminfee for late payments, bounced payments, working all hours and then working for the club etc etc etc… :wink:[/quote]

You sound like somebody who regrets putting themselves forward for the position you hold ?

Oh, here we go again… :?

Not at all, I was simply pointing out that it’s not easy, and we do our best. It takes both sides to make this work, so if everybody could just read the letter, check the details, make sure we have the right ones after they move etc etc, we wouldn’t get this every year.

Sorry if I’ve offended you.

Mitsubishi are doing their level best to torch the car (new battery meets bonnet)


is the battery in the right way round ? incorrect fitting is the usual cause of battery/engine fires on our cars

Have you received my cheque yet Simon?


Sorry if I’ve offended you.[/quote]

No ‘you’ haven’t offended me Ian… I’m just a tad disappointed with the club!

PS. you look like you should be in the same position as me though looking at your user group list …no 09/10 :? :wink:

Changed my mind…

From Simon’s post…

The membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March.

We do a six months membership from 1 Oct - 31 March [/quote]

It’a always been this way, so, not being funny (honestly), but how much extra time past the renewal date would you expect us to wait before applying the new membership groups? It’s currently done a month after they expire. Thats fairly generous isn’t it? :?

Yes the letter is post marked 30 April 19:30 PM



Yes the letter is post marked 30 April 19:30 PM


The wife said that she put it in the post at her place of work on Wednesday so I don’t know how that came about …I gave it to her on Tuesday as per date of the cheque.

did you get my subs yet,i wanty back in nooowwwwwwwww :lol:

It says 09/10 so i guess so

:lol: :lol:

:bandance: :bangreen:

Mine was sent with cash to pay my dues for the year on frida - can you let me know when it arrives?!