Scottish Convoy to JAE


Regarding getting down to the JAE on Friday 20th…

I think the plan is for myself and the wife to drive to Asda at Portlethan and meet with Chooch and GTOAlly…the three of us drive to Perth and then cut off towards the M74 route to Carlise but we need to meet up with Andy087 on route somewhere…

Do we have any more definates or maybes…Scott, John, Gump, sspeiper any of the Dundee guys interested…

I may be trying to get my brother in law to come along with his TT meeting us from Derby area…

Do we have any preference for times…

Ally and Chooch, I have Saltires for you to fly from your windows on the way (althogh maybe not all the way)!

Looking forward to it!!!


Now no more than 5 cars please. We don’t want you guys getting into trouble :wink:
Have a look here to see what I’m going on about

Bugger it get as many as you can together and have yourselves a CONVOY :twisted:

I woulda thought we would head down the a1 or is the m74 route better? I’ll have a look on a map and I will find somewhere to join up as you travel down. What time are you guys planning on leaving Aberdeen?

Yeah I read that post when it first came up Smudge, ■■■■■■ stupid idea but what can we expect from our great legal minds! Im still being chased for a fine becasue I taxed my GTO online but drove it before recieving the disc, despite having a confirmation email and despite the money being taken, they are offering me a 53 quid out of court settlement…yeah right…

How about we plan to leave Aberdeen at 9.00, not too early and after the rush hour…meet andy somewhere at about 11.00 I guess, aim to arrive at the campsite at about 6pm ish all going well.

If its the A1 route we fancy then we could collect you at the Forth Road Bridge services Andy?

Looking forward to it!!!

Cool - so you would hit edinburgh about 11ish so we would get down about 5ish. A1 route means we just thump straight down - M74 means going west then coming back east again at Birmingham - guestimate about an extra 100 miles…! If we were doing the A1 then I can meet you the backside of Edinburgh - you guys would go round the bypass and collect the A1 and I can pick you up there and we can just trundle down. How do you guys feel on that?

[quote]Yeah I read that post when it first came up Smudge, ■■■■■■ stupid idea but what can we expect from our great legal minds! Im still being chased for a fine becasue I taxed my GTO online but drove it before recieving the disc, despite having a confirmation email and despite the money being taken, they are offering me a 53 quid out of court settlement…yeah right…

How about we plan to leave Aberdeen at 9.00, not too early and after the rush hour…meet andy somewhere at about 11.00 I guess, aim to arrive at the campsite at about 6pm ish all going well.

If its the A1 route we fancy then we could collect you at the Forth Road Bridge services Andy?

Looking forward to it!!![/quote]

Yes 9am is fine by me, I should be awake by then…
I’ll let you decide the route as usual, I wouldn’t want us to get lost :oops:
If we pin down our route, I think we might get some “northerners” joining us as we head south.

I may have a slight driver on the route…a little bit selfish…but I may need to drop my daughter off with my parents at Gretna Green on the 20th…If that does happen and you guys dont mind, we could then cut back across the A66 and onto the A1 at Scotch Corner

Cool with me - might be quicker on that route to get out of Scotland. If we follow that route then the cut over is shorter and we can avoid Newcastle. I had thought you had planned to head down the M6 and across further down.

Thanks Andy, I dont want to drag you guys all round a stupid route, but hopefully that would work…I need to confirm asap that I am taking her down to Gretna and then we can plan further. It would be good if we could meet up with a few other owners on the way down…have you got a kilt sorted yet?

This should be interesting for anyone who see’s us wearing kilts, hawain shirts, and GTO’s with Scottish Saltires! :lol:

Do you think we could chuck in the obligatory medalion and aviators???

Chooch :smiley:

You’re right Ewan…I think we sould go in stealth mode until we are say a few miles away from the campsite and then don our kilts (optional), Saltires, see you jimmy hats etc!!!

Does anyone actually know how to get to the campsite yet…never mind I’ll sort that…need to find out how far we camp from the cars too!

[quote]You’re right Ewan…I think we sould go in stealth mode until we are say a few miles away from the campsite and then don our kilts (optional), Saltires, see you jimmy hats etc!!!

Does anyone actually know how to get to the campsite yet…never mind I’ll sort that…need to find out how far we camp from the cars too![/quote]

JAE thread has details of where you can camp. I don’t think this will be an issue. This is going to be one long drive…

I guess getting there on Friday will give a chance to be closer…amanda and I have loads of wine and beer to take, a couple of BBQs and food, a stove and breakfast stuff! I will provide entertainment with my Rolf Harris …Two little Boys rendition or if Im really pissed, Nat King Cole, the little boy that Santa claus forgot…that shoudl have us all crying into the small hours!

A long drive yes, we can pace it a little, no real rush, if we need to stop, we stop!

Ally, any firmer plans from you yet mate?



Don’t know when my car will be finished. Engines in the car and the FMIC pipework is being made. The new brakes and teins will be going in this week. I’ll keep you posted. I’m going to Norway for 6 days but it doesn’t land on the JAE weekend. It’s all down to the car now.


Hi Guy’s

Does anyone have any objections to my friend Euan tagging along with the convoy? He was driving the Subaru I raced at Crail.

Next question, has everyone sorted out their hawaiian shirts? I was thinking of ordering mine off the net, so we could have matching ones 8) Possibly with GTOUK logo embrodered on or something… (that way we have a reasonable excuse for wearing them :wink: )


No Way - that’s well out of order. I’m insulted by that - in fact it has rocked my to the core! :wink:

Removes sarcasm hat

Doesn’t bother me - more the merrier - just as long as will fly the flag with us!

Yep no probs here, interested in the GTO shirts too

What’s the plans for the way home?
Do you think we’ll make it on the Sunday???


hope you all have a good weekend and the weather is fine :stuck_out_tongue:

enjoy guys

if i had done my timing gear i would have joined yous but i havent had the time to get stuck in yet.

have a good journey with no probs .
