Shakespeare County Raceway RWYB

Come on guys & gals lets go play day out is awesome even if you only come & watch, you have full access to the pit areas, usually a few trade stands, plenty of hot food to be had, toilet blocks & showers, any one who is any one in 1/4 mile racing will tell you this is one of the best tracks in the country even eclipsing Santa Pod, if you have ever wondered how good your car is, then stop bragging about it & get your self down there with the rest of us, you don`t have to hammer your car if you don’t want to, it can be like just racing off the lights in town :roll: OK maybe a little harder but you are not there to break any records, just have a play & see what your car can do.

See you all there.

Cheers Julian.

16th May?

I’ll be there :wink:


I’m in :smiley: :twisted:

Don`t forget you will need your licences, you wont be the first to forget :roll:


Did i mention my engine was back in???! :lol:



i may come along to this if i can get my car dialed in at Bens next weekend!


We’ll be there in the Legnum or the Elan. Not sure if I’ll be running either, but I’ll bring the camera and get plenty of photos either way 8)


It`s looking as if we have some of the fastest cars in the club coming down to this one, this has to be worth it if only to see em run 8) Roll on the 16th May, :smiley:


[quote]It`s looking as if we have some of the fastest cars in the club coming down to this one, this has to be worth it if only to see em run 8) Roll on the 16th May, :smiley:


maybe we will have a new top 3!!! i think we should re set all the times!! let Ben run first and break something then the rest of us can have a go!!! :lol:

only joking, i’m sure Ben’s will be fine!! :twisted:

Dell, can you make the short journey up???


Dont forget my car, it will be having a laugh all the way up the 1/4 mile, as yet untested but im sure there may be some surprises :wink:


[quote]my car will be having a laugh all the way up the 1/4 mile

Looking forwards to the results !!

I would love to come along now i have a correctly set boost controller and try out a LEVEL track…but the twins are due pretty much around that week. I will get sghot if she goes into labour while im ■■■■■■ miles away in the GTO again :shock:

Cant believe we have not got a bigger turnout for this even as spectators, we could very well have the fastest 3 or 4 GTOs in Europe turning up & i for one would not miss it for the world 8) ( just building your cars up a bit there guys :wink: ) My car is not even in the same class as the aforementioned but trust me i will be having a go, there is a small convoy traveling down from M1 jnc.27 so if you want to follow on please do so. I am sooooooo much looking forwards to this event


I am a definate maybe to spectate and see how the competition gets on! Just to confirm you are all going on the Saturday? To be honest Sunday is best for me but I may bust a gut for you guys if you are all definately going. I need some inspiration and motivation!

Ben are you free on the Saturday or are you working?

Shakespeare is a superb venue so if anyone wants to try drag racing this is the place to start. It is very relaxed and informal. The queues are nominal which means you get to run loads and loads. I will also never forget the finest bacon sandwich I ever had was there!

I guess the main thing is the weather :roll:

Hope to see you all there and best of luck in your preparations!


Trying to sort out a fuel pump problem between me and Ben. I was running lean at the Eurospec dyno day 2 and after a process of elimination it was the fuel pumps that were the culprits.

It might need some AFR adjustments but all things being equal, that should happen tomorrow when Ben does a power run on it.

I’m looking forward to it though.



I have always found the Sarturday to be the far least busy of the 2 days that it`s on, I have however ordered good weather for the whole of that weekend :wink:


I prefer the sound of the Saturday.


You may get more takers/spectators if it’s on the Sunday, as Japfest at Castle Combe is on the sat also.

i am working on the sunday so the saturday is best for me!


I think we can always say you cannot please all of the people all of the time, some are better for Sunday & some are better for Saturday, as i said before i like the Saturday cos it`s less busy :roll: So thats when i will be there :wink:


[quote]I think we can always say you cannot please all of the people all of the time, some are better for Sunday & some are better for Saturday, as i said before i like the Saturday cos it`s less busy :roll: So thats when i will be there :wink:


see ya saturday!! :slight_smile: what time mush?
