Sky Insurance

We have been contacted by another insurance company; 0870 11 21 759 / 02083645500. They currently do a discount scheme for four other Jap car clubs and would liketo offer us a good deal.
With such schemes we need people to contact them to obtain a quote. Please state that you are a full member of GTOUK.
When Insurance is agreed with this company, proof of full membership is required and will be backed up by the club.
They do cater for modifed motors.
Somewhere we will find a company that can offer a good price to the club. It may be more than one company that is required to cater for the wider ownership but we are actively persuing this.

Mark. :slight_smile:

I’ll give them a call later today.



Just rung them,

Quoted me 421 fully comp.
250 excess.
60 glass
Like for like replacement.
Thats with 7 years protected no claims bonus. Cat 1 alarm, Garaged…
Declared Mods, 19’ wheels, Full stainless exhaust, Induction, Dump valve.
This would equate to a saving for me of 200 quid!!!

Service was quick, helpful, i’d give these the thumbs up :slight_smile:

Cheers Carl…

Just got my quote from Jay at Sky Insurance…

This is what I declared:
Forged Engine Internals
Omex Standalone ECU
Electronic Boost Controller
Garrett T35 Turbos
Alloy Wheels
800 BHP (Did anyone else get asked what BHP?)

Male 29
Female 26
8 Years No claims
3 car Family
5000 miles limited policy
No commuting

Quote with an agreed value of £15,000 and all non OEM parts replaced like for like
Both Drivers Fully Comp =
£450 Excess

They can’t insure my ICE system though. Not that that is a suprise!
They also don’t insure NOS. (but mine is sat in a box at the moment anyway :wink: )

Got to say that this chap is the most helpfull chap I have ever spoken to when looking for insurance.
They also picked up the phone very quickly, a good sign in my opinion!

Mark :wink:

Will ring them in the next few days…

Yep, £746, so the cheapest for me so far

Male, 26
6 years NCB
No claims or convictions
Mods declared
Cat 2 immobiliser and Tracker Monitor

Good quote.

£650 fully comp, courtesy car etc.
£100 excess
5years protected no claims
28year old male
no claims or convictions
cat 2 immobiliser
driveway parking.
discount for GTOUK member

beat last quote by £300!!!
now i knew i was getting screwed but that much :shock:
bring on my renewal date or is it allowable to change insurer mid year?


You can cancel your policy at any time…


This is looking very good so far, can some more people please contact them for a quote.
I’m not going to rush off and sign the club up to anything but if they can come up trumps for the majority of people then we have a good base to work from.
The proof of any insurance company is always when a claim is made so i may contact a couple of the other clubs that they give discount to prior to giving them any thumbs up from the club.

By the way, you can cancel an insurance policy at any time, there may be a charge for this but if the difference between joining another insurer outweighs the cost of cancelling a policy then it may be worth it.
I would advise speaking to the new insurers prior to this to make sure that it doesn’t get marked down as an interruption in a no claim scheme.
If paying by installments, get a quote on the full price because depending on their A.P.R. it is not always as good as it may initially seem.

Mark. :slight_smile:

Phoned them and got to say I was impressed.

Age 36
5 yrs NCD (Protected)
3 sp30’s (2 in last 4 yrs and 1 4.5 years old)
car on drive
cat 1 alarm
M reg Mk1 GTO TT
mods declared

£521 with a £250 excess

This was £50 cheaper than the best quote I got last month when I renewed mine. They guy was helpfull and friendly.

Have to say I will give these a call next year.

i’ll give these a call mark, this does look better than the last lot i must say :smiley:

keep up the good work mate

ok,lets test them out, im 23, ive written off my last for cars and crashed the gto also, ive got 9 points on my license,i have no alarm,lts of mods and i have no garage and living in a chavvy area of brum, quote me happy??

Hmmmm, don’t take this the wrong way but wouldn’t it be really nice if it was just you who paid for all this destruction, not the rest of us !


I think it’s fitting to say a big thankyou to Mark at this point. I can imagine it’s taken a fair ammount of ringing around to try and organise insurance deals for GTOUK members, and from the looks of the quotes coming in, it should prove to be a benefit most of us will save money with.

I’ll definately be ringing these for a quote in the next few days, but I won’t be taking out any policies until early next year!


I dealt with Sky a few years back and they were a bunch of bastards then (well one bastard at least)! They cost me money and were generally unpleasant.

Basically they misquoted me on the phone. The paperwork didn’t match our telephone conversation so I had to cancel the policy (which I stupidly bought over the phone). They then screwed me on admin fees and then got upperty with proof of no claims for my next insurers.

However it was a while ago and they still exist as a business so I am sure they are fine. Good luck!


Got all the paperwork through from them this morning. The one thing that really stands out is that they are willing to give an agreed value certificate (after they have your car inspected of course). This means you will get the agreed value no matter what in the event of a total loss claim.

This costs a mere £35 and in my books is well worth it. We’ve all seen people have a small bump and the car’s been written off for what is no more than ‘Ebay special’ type money.

This is especialy good if you have a custom interior / paintjob or the car is just ■■■■■■ imaculate.

Also as Mark said previously the mods are replaced like for like.

I’ll give them a ring when I get round to it my renewal is due in February. Going off line at the end of the week for a while (moving) so may not post results up for a while.


Ok gonna ring these in a min , but first a quick question at the moment i paying 580 tpft with the insurance factory and no mods declared ,

i’m 28 , gto n/a auto , 8 years no claims bonus, and 3 points for speeding,

My question is the car is valued at 4k but i got 4k of extras so how does this agreded value thing work , coz really i looking at 8k to replace the car and the 99 spec bits , breaks wheels etc etc

Thanks Aston

I rang sky yesterday, the dish is being fitted on friday :lol: The insurance company quoted me even happier than A. Flux. Total saving of over £300 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: