South West Motor Show 2008

[size=18:81896154f6]Sunday 15th June @ Newton Abbot Racecourse DEVON[/size:81896154f6]


Anyone going to this or been before?

Is this not you guys from last year :smiley:


We would like to go to this show again. Please add your name if you would like to go.

  1. Neil.
  2. Hu
  3. Allen
  4. Sumiyaka



We would like to go to this show again. Please add your name if you would like to go.

  1. Neil.


I’ll go again :wink:

Put me down please

Not sure if we have any vets on board ! :lol:

We’ll be there again.

Mark. :slight_smile:

:lol: :lol:

I’ll be there again too 8)

  1. Neil.
  2. Hu
  3. Allen
  4. Sumiyaka
  5. Scott

Me too please.

hi all
me too.


  1. Neil.
  2. Hu
  3. Allen
  4. Sumiyaka
  5. Scott
  6. Dave R
  7. Paul (par)

I’ll be there if im not offshore.


Hello everyone, just to let you know there are only 2 weeks left to book your cars into the show, thanks

Hi all,

I would still like to go to this, is everyone still going. I don’t mind sorting the tickets if I have numbers.


I’m going but in the range rover so will probably park in the main car park.

Need to check my duties, but I should be going

Yes I’m still up for this one Neil.

Shaun :lol:

hi neil
im still up for this


So far:

  1. Neil.
  2. Hu
  3. Allen
  4. Sumiyaka
  5. Scott
  6. Dave R
  7. Paul (par)
  8. Shaun

Any more?

Can we make the club stand a bit more ‘club-like’ than in previous years? I’m not sure exactly what kit the club has got but a few banners wouldn’t go amiss surely :? ?