Supercar Sunday (Heritage Motor Museum)

Would anyone be interested in having a meet at the Motor museum at Gaydon ?

Havent been for years and am considering going but thought i would see if anyone wants to make a meet of it ?

looking at the GTO calander was thinking of some time in june

Craig :slight_smile:

[quote]Would anyone be interested in having a meet at the Motor museum at Gaydon ?

Havent been for years and am considering going but thought i would see if anyone wants to make a meet of it ?

looking at the GTO calander was thinking of some time in june

Craig :)[/quote]

Good run for me up that way :wink:
Never been there either.
Definately up for it.

They hold an event called “supercar sunday” in June at that place - i’ve been for the last few years - the weather has always been really good.

Skyline Owners and 300ZX club have stands there - as well as Lamborghini’s, Ferrari’s and other supercars…how about having a stand there too?

[quote]They hold an event called “supercar sunday” in June at that place - i’ve been for the last few years - the weather has always been really good.

Skyline Owners and 300ZX club have stands there - as well as Lamborghini’s, Ferrari’s and other supercars…how about having a stand there too?[/quote]

That would be great!
Just looked and we may be able to enter as well.


Supercar Sunday is on 28th June.
Fingers crossed we’ll get a good turn out :smiley:

Just had a look into this and it seems like the closing date would be the 19th of June for entries

there are a maximum of 12 car passes and a maximum of 18 individual tickets

I don’t mind organising something as long as the club is happy for me to do so ?

If any one is interested would you like to put your names below and i will seek clarification from the club if its OK to proceed

1, Craig
2, Marty K
3, Ivan
4, Rich and Claire
5, Rich (GTnewbie)
6, Nursey
7, Smudge and Sandra
8, Boo
9, Tani
10, Medic One (possibility)


Craig :slight_smile:

When I saw the subject of this post, I thought it was a meet at your house Craig :slight_smile:


If any one is interested would you like to put your names below

1, Craig
2, Marty K.


I’d be up for this please, if you’d like to put me on the list.



Clare and I are up for this :smiley:

Rich :slight_smile:

Will you be allowed in ?

Mark. :smiley:

[quote]Will you be allowed in ?

Mark. :D[/quote]

I hear it won’t be a full mmmmmooooooooonnnnnn that day!

So I should be okay :wink:

Rich :lol:

im up for this one … put me on the list :lol:

If i can get my shift swapped i’m up for it too

Put me and Sandra down for this one Craig please :wink: :smiley:

Quick update on this i havent forgotten ,

i was originally waiting on an email back from them but now have the contact number for the organiser , i will hopefully chat to him Tuesday and will update afterwards .


Craig :slight_smile:

put me n tani down for this please craig

Right Folks

ive spoken with the organiser today and as it stands at the moment we will have allocation for 12 car passes and 18 free entrance tickets

i have updated the first page with the cars hopefully attending .

There will be a hardstanding area reserved for the club and for an extra cost there can be a parade lap of the Gaydon test circuit with other cars and a photograph opportunity after the first lap .

I have also enquired if club banners can be displayed , which they can so i will see if i can get hold of one .

Craig :slight_smile:

[quote]for an extra cost there can be a parade lap of the Gaydon test circuit with other cars and a photograph opportunity after the first lap .
Craig :)[/quote]

That sounds awesome Craig, well done for organising this.

Rich :smiley:

Just noticed this on your first post Craig, is Supercar Sunday being held on Saturday this year :wink: :lol: