Supercar Sunday

1 GTO - 2 passengers
1 other car - 3 passengers


1 other car … 3 passengers !!! sponging feckers :twisted:

They can get their own tickets… :wink:


Thanks for taking the trouble to organise again it was a great day last year.

Could you put me + 1 for this year.


Ivan :slight_smile:


Me + 1

All the best


Right guys here’s how we stand at the moment with this

i have been onto the organisers about the 12 free car passes and 18 free entrance passes as we could get extra free ones last year , unfortunately the situation has changed this year

as it stands i have an allowance for 4 extra cars maximum free of charge which takes us to 16 cars , but the entrance ticket allocation stays at 18 free passes .

I think its only fair that it should be for full members vehicles ( current members ) and the tickets should be driver plus 1 …

Ian im not sure we will be able to wing the other car in your party as its a gto club stand they may see it as a support car , unless its something a bit different in which case we may be able to wing it .

As it satnds at the moment we have 11 cars ( excluding the one in Ians party and Medics as not in the 10/11 membergroup )
and 18 of the free tickets allocated plus two more

Craig :slight_smile:

Put me and Tracy down Craig please.


OK folks
There is space for 5 more cars if anyone else wants in , i will stop accepting anyone else Sunday so i can get the tickets sorted out .

Craig :slight_smile:

Craig, put myself and Sandra down :wink: but we’ll be in the Mondeo :cry:

Dont worry mate you were already accounted for after our natter the other day 8)

Craig :slight_smile:

can i add +1 for me? passenger that is??


Craig, Is there still room for 1 more + car?

Shaun is on Holiday at the mo but has asked me if he can go.

Paul no problem fella will ammend that for you

Damon would be happy to see shauns car there is it just him ?

Craig :slight_smile:

updated this will be "locked " tomorrow evening so i can sort the tickets out :slight_smile:

Craig :slight_smile:

Hi there
been away on holiday and just read this post - can you sqeeze one more car in and at the moment its myself but maybe one passenger -

cheers Marcus


i will let you know as soon as i get a confirmation email from the organisers regarding my booking

Craig :slight_smile:

Ok Guys

as it stands

Ive got 13 cars and 27 people .

I have sent the booking form and I will be ordering the extra tickets on my own credit card this week subject to email conformation .

I will only be reimbursed by the club after the meet so if your name is down and you don’t attend the event you will be accountable to the club for cost of the ticket.

I think thats fair to all involved as the club have happily agreed to subsidise this meet 8)


Craig :slight_smile:

… on HIS OWN credit card … SO DONT ■■■■ HIM ABOUT !!! if you order a ticket and dont show …tough, you pay up …

Ok Folks

all tickets now ordered and passes allocated .

i suggest those of us on the stand in cars meet as we did last year at the same pub just down the road , we met last year at 8.30 so same time again should be ok i reckon,-1.467533&sspn=0.013815,0.029397&ie=UTF8&ll=52.19264,-1.480708&spn=0,0&z=15&iwloc=B

the extra tickets i have ordered i will have to send out via the post , unless they are slow coming through in which case i may have to pass them onto you in person ( ballache :? as they cant bundle them together with the free ones ) :lol:

For those attending who are not meeting up or are running late directions can be found on this link

would it be possible to have the club banner again ? if its in posession of one of the comitee members

Nice bit of free advertising for the club 8)

Craig :slight_smile: