Yorkshire Meet

not sure if Mike has organised one yet, but I cannot see one on the forum!

April 5th - Ferryboat in - Howden Just off the M62.

We might be there, am hoping to beat my 1/4 mile best time on the 5th at Shakespeare county raceway, so if my car is still in one piece & not disintegrated :roll: We will be there :wink:


[quote]not sure if Mike has organised one yet, but I cannot see one on the forum!

April 6th - Ferryboat in - Howden Just off the M62.[/quote]

How come we have gone to a Sunday all of a sudden, its always been on a Saturday :roll:



[quote]not sure if Mike has organised one yet, but I cannot see one on the forum!

April 6th - Ferryboat in - Howden Just off the M62.[/quote]

How come we have gone to a Sunday all of a sudden, its always been on a Saturday :roll:



moved to Saaturday!

If I’m welcome, I might try and make this one…it’d be good to meet a few of you and have a nosey round some of your motors, discuss mods etc :lol:

Of coursee your welcome! It’s a meet!:smiley: Rmember not to have any breakfast, the portions at the ferryboat are huge:D

Hi technomob

Just noticed you are from York I lived most of my life there where abouts in York are you from?

I live close to the Ferryboat now but not certain I can make this one


I’m working nights that weekend I’m afraid.


Cars still bolloxed, and I ain’t got a clue what’s wrong with it so me and Den won’t be able to make this one.

Hope to see everyone again soon :frowning:


Steve, I live in Huntington.

I should be able to make this one
Maybe Vicky will show off her new car?
By the way Daz and Den I am sure if you have problems with the car someone should be able to help??

Amazing I lived in Huntington for 25 years only recently moved out here


Hi Martin,

I might be able to make it, and I would love to show off my new car, LOL

Fingers crossed.

Vicky :smiley:


Amazing I lived in Huntington for 25 years only recently moved out here


Small world eh, Steve.

I’ve lived in Huntington for all of my 35 years on this planet.


Well we definitely wont be there, as previously stated we will be at Shakespeare county raceway having a play :twisted:


I may have mine back on the road and will be able to attend…just don’t ask me to flip the bonnet again as nothings changed and I would still win the scruffiest engine bay award!!! :roll: :lol:

Steve.K…any chance of bringing a handful of those nuts-n-bolts? :wink:


I should be able to make it…

Don’t laugh at my car…it has no mods LOL

Should hopefully be a good turn out!

See you Saturday!

Well, it was good to meet a few of you today. Sorry I couldn’t make it earlier or stay much longer…a combination of drinking too much the night before and having to get home to get ready for a friends birthday bash - so guess I’ll be drinking too much again tonight - and I’m planning to fit my FMIC tomorrow - just hope it doesn’t all go T*TS UP!

Great day lads, pity the weather was a bit crap.

Good to meet you all, you all have awesome cars.
