Sky Insurance

Called Sky - renewal due soon and Adrian Flux/Highway want something similar to last year’s premium - £1450 - Sky quoted me £1141 :smiley: tpft with no excesses, no limited mileage.
I’m 21, 3 years NCB, no points/claims, car is standard(ish) 1992 GTO TT.

I filled in the ring back form on Saturday and they called my first thing this morning.
I cant remember the guys name, but I mentioned the club and he said it was him who organised the deal.
Slightly cheaper than my cheapest quote (£597 from Norwich Union, £591 from Sky) but I declared all my mods.

The guy was really pleasant, knew what he was on about and all in all I felt the service was excellent so I took out the policy there and then.
Well done to Mark and the club for sorting this. Highly reccomended.


Should this be moved into the “insurance” forum now? Just an idea!

I got a quote today…
Fully comp.
ALL mods. declared,
protected no claims,
wife to drive,
£5000 value,
£250 excess
like for like replacement,
No convictions,
No accidents,
70% NCD,



Just got the paperwork through (after 24 hours :shock: )

£0 voluntary excess and £0 compulsary excess :shock: :shock: !!!

PLUS, windscreen, personal injuray, audio and personal effects cover, £250 medical expenses and full cover whilst driving abroad.
This is the most comprehensive policy I have ever had. If I’d have known all of this, even if another policy was £100 cheaper, I’d have still taken this one out.

All in all, an absolutely astounding deal.



Just got the paperwork through (after 24 hours )

£0 voluntary excess and £0 compulsary excess !!!

PLUS, windscreen, personal injuray, audio and personal effects cover, £250 medical expenses and full cover whilst driving abroad.
This is the most comprehensive policy I have ever had. If I’d have known all of this, even if another policy was £100 cheaper, I’d have still taken this one out. [/quote]

I got mine throught the same! taking out the policy tommorow :smiley:

Suitabley impressed. Checked out various places online last night for cover for my Mk1 TT. My previous cover cost me £1,100 is with direct line.

Last night elephant quoted £430 +£250 excess

Having left my details with sky last night, they phoned me back this morning with a quote of £380, with lots of extras.

Just got my insurrance sorted…great stuff woooooooooo! ill try and get to some meets now 8)

Have just renewed with SKY INSURANCE!

1994 3000GT No Mods
Parked on a driveway
I am 21 with 3 points no accidents
she is 22 no accidents or points
3 years NCB
Cat 1 Alarm
Fully comp quote (social domestic and commuting)
£6000 value
10,000 mile limit.

£1056 for 12 months.

i have just been requoted £1198 for 10 months with Admiral, so this is working out at nearly £400 cheaper!

Jay was polite and friendly on the phone, which always helps too - better than call centre staff who arent interested!

James, one very happy GT owner :smiley:

Yup they are good mate…but they still keep thinking im 30 not 25…got to ring em back and change my details on insurrance certificate, i changed it on the proposal form :?

Have to add my agreement to the above compliments on Sky Insurance. Phoned them today spoke to Jay also, they quoted me £991, compared to Admiral quoting me almost £3000!

Took up the offer today, just waiting on the papers to come through. :smiley:


should have tried osborne and sons, got mine for £633 fully comp. :shock:

Sorted, £296 fully comp with mods declared and all cover. Had a good chat with Jae @ Sky this afternoon and will be taking up their excellent offer on the 5th April when my current policy expires.
Yes, well happy! :smiley:

Mark. :slight_smile:

Just called Sky and spoke to Scott,
24, 1year NCB, parked on drive, cat1 alarm/immobiliser, twin turbo import, no points etc

£786 Fully comp (with my dad as a named driver as hes been desperate to drive it since I bought it lol)

Well chuffed with that, was expecting a lot worse :wink:
Scott was very helpful and polite as people have already said, makes such a difference when phoning for Insurance :slight_smile:

Will be taking that policy out for sure 8) Thought it might be a poblem because im not 25 and its an import - If you’re struglling to get a good quote, definitely give Sky a call!



I’m a new member with a j-spec mkii TT MR. I am going to send off my cheque for full membership today - can I apply for the discounted insurance? I need to insure my car this week really.



Phoned them up for a quote this afternoon,

Mods declared they worked out a £100 cheaper than my previous insurance company had just quoted .

Very impressed,

i will be taking out a policy with them when the time comes for me to re insure


just spoke to jay at sky and he quoted me £545 FC with mods declared
for my mrs with me as named driver 6 y no claims 1 sp30 for me
my renewell from NU Direct was £620 with no mods declared
so a good saving i think

Just spoke to Jay,
Adrian Flux quoted £1655 with £500 excess for my renewal this year, a mere £300 hike on last years premium.

GTO Twin Turbo
Most mods declared.
9 years NCD.

Sky insurance
Same cover with all mods declared £1041 with £300 excess plus £35 for a valuation assessment and guarenteed value in the event of a total loss. All upgrades replaced like for like !

I thought I was going to have to trade the beast in but at this price it becomes affordable again !!!

Best regards,


Not so good for me …

Currently with Liverpool Victoria … £520 with ‘unlimited modifications’ policy.

Declared my mods to Sky (that took some time … :wink: ) … best they could do was £860.

Suffice to say that if you have *extensive *modifications to your car they may not be the nest available.


[quote]Not so good for me …

Currently with Liverpool Victoria … £520 with ‘unlimited modifications’ policy.

Declared my mods to Sky (that took some time … :wink: ) … best they could do was £860.

Suffice to say that if you have *extensive *modifications to your car they may not be the nest available.


Depends Adam, once you add more than double the amount of power to the car not may places will touch you, Sky’s price wasn’t bad and their cover (at least on the face of it seems ok).
But they realy do need to get the CS and accounts team sorted as I have had several cancelation notices for lack of payment despite paying it when I took the policy out and them sending me a receipt, I call them they find the payment then a few weeks later I get another letter! :evil:

I also got a quote on a standard GTO and it was pretty high, I gave some examples of the prices listed on the board inc Mas’ post and they said they have never ever provided a quote below £300 for a GTO :?

Jay seems pretty good but the rest of them aren’t the best…

Mark :wink: